Session: 2 LEARN!!!! Friday 6th August the journey continues

 DFI Day 2 Friday 6th August the journey continues 

Great to catchup with our bubble team and thank you Andrew for this link looking forward to having a look at this link.

Today is our learn day: 

1. Teachers and our children needing to learn the same skills 

2. For teachers and professionals to use this knowledge 

3. Use of evidence and sharing 

4 Being able to swim in the digital space

1 Moving from analogue world to digital world 

2. Increasing teacher effectiveness

1. Reading by authentic text - Not teacher generated , text by other people general audience

2. learning by shared ideas and discussion - Student discussion - collaborative conversations DMIC. 

What does our school believe in how children learn- What does learn look like in our school.


  • Strive for excellence
  • Inclusion language and culture is purposeful 
  • Collaboration with others and feel confident 
  • Become and learn as 21st century learners

Turbo charging - effective practice 
optimising the learning space 


I really enjoyed the learning with google keep with note taking and how this operates across the doc and slides which is really useful. Really good to organise note taking. I will try to organise myself now hopefully lol. 


  • Strive for excellence WHAKAPONO KIA KOE 
  • Inclusion language and culture is purposeful 
  • Collaboration with others and feel confident 
  • Providing opportunities for our staff capability - Manaiakalani, Minlab  
  • Become and learn as 21st century learners
What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

When you say intensive, It is very intense as it is one after the other, so you really have to go back and look over what has been shared
what I found important Increasing leader and teacher effectiveness, we also need to be constantly improving and learning so that we are able to support our teachers and learners at our school. It is also very important that continue to practice the things that has been shared e.g. calendar, google keep 

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

We are currently working through our looking a head sheet and our term calendars. After speaking to other in my group
they shared how google calendar has been used at their school. I would like to explore this area a bit further to see if we could centralise
teacher, leader, school, sports, events, term and yearly calendars more effectively. I think this would be something I would like to explore a bit more
thanks to my group and Sylvia for sharing what you have done in your school its always nice to share knowledge as there are always different ways to do things and learn.


  1. Kia ora Sima,

    Yes it really is intensive isn't it! But hopefully you are finding the learning really valuable too. It was great the way you and Andrew were able to work together to get your screen recording of your Meet. You should be able to record your Meet's now as Maria got that sorted for you. Remember if you copy and paste text from a doc into your blog, you need to paste without the formatting (Ctrl + Shift + V) so your text doesn't run over on the page.
    See you tomorrow!


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