Session: 3 Lets CREATE!!! 13 August

Creative skills help students become better problem-solvers, communicators and collaborators 

Everyone can Create Apple 2018 

I like the part about our children becoming problem-solvers, in order to do this that they need to be given the opportunities. Creativity is important for children as fresh air and sunshine. letting children explore that space - giving children opportunities Lego with groups of students, chess group, podcasts, table tennis club giving them opportunities. 

It was ally cool watching heart of the matter - It was interesting what he shared that when they looked at other schools work it looked similar, but with their school their work was very different. Every child is different in they way they express their learning so I think that they were given space and opportunities to explore rather than being modelled what to do so that it becomes Generic

This is a piece of work that I was so proud by from a year 7 & 8 student who takes our photography class which is going in the Toitoi magazine.  I believe that this is giving our students the space to explore but also be mentored and supported by our teachers. Empowering our students to create and share. 

 By: Pheenyx Hicks in He Pua Mai 

Youtube Fundamentals

Recommend for children not to have youtube accounts as have to be 13 year and above it is also very difficult to monitor blogs. Uploaded videos unlisted, 

I am thinking that i can look at how we can share our podcasts more effectively with Youtube account so watch this space


Story boarding with Jacob - Really awesome learning with the group and so nice to learn something new to share with our kids. really awesome session



So far in terms of Manaiakalani kaupapa - I can see the importance of creating and being able to share this with others. We had a stem showcase and all though the presentation of what the children created was important the processes and seeing the learning along the way is what is equally important. Sometimes we sit back and admire a piece of art or a piece of music but never really understand the work that has gone in behind the scenes and only the artist will know that and will be able to share and that is what I believe is important sharing the ups and downs around what made that living art piece so create today was a very important part in my learning today. 

My next steps: 

Will be to access my playlist and look to see how I can edit and move our year 7 & 8 podcast into this forum. and how I can work along side our admin person to share playlists so that she can share the podcasts with our community 


  1. Kia ora Sima,
    It sounds like there are some incredible creative opportunities at Roscommon. That photo of Pheenyx's is stunning! I've been thinking a bit about the podcasts and what you could do is support your admin person to create the playlists with the episodes and then have those somewhere public like on your school or class websites so students and whānau can engage with them and as new episodes are added to the playlist there isn't anything else you'd need to do.

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Sylvia

      Thanks for sharing your radio podcasts are amazing. So cool to see that you are just as much apart of it as your children. Love the "Meat Patty joke" lol Hopefully will be able to organise a Podcast collaboration with your school that would be awesome. What programme do you use for Radio station we are using V mix programme at the moment.


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