Session 7: Ubiquitous - Anytime, Anywhere, Any place, Anyone

 Session 7: Ubiquitous - Anytime, Anywhere, Any place, Anyone 

Providing opportunities - Visible learning - 

Ubiquitous - connect with their learning outside of school timeframe. Extends opportunity for them to connect with their learning time. 

Creating summer learning journey: link here  -

Rewindable learning - If its worth learning, Its worth capturing - Idea of recording things that our children can capture as they me out at other curricular activities. 

Google meet practice: To connect in some way - trouble shoot - mute and unmute Make sure students wear head phones. 

Digital Noho - students taking there chrome books home Thats a cool idea... 

Using Positive cyber smart language in the learning areas...

Empowering - confident connected actively involved - how they connect use it in smart and clever ways

Kawa of Care site - What will this look like in our community and for our Whanau? 

Ubiquitous - Accessing learning from anywhere, anytime and anyone. 

Was thinking of this video that I watched Cognition education transition hui about children's creativity when being connected. 

Reminding our Kids the importance of how we interact online

Opportunities to Reimagine - Sir Ken Robinson 

Empowering our learners creativity

Explain everything - ipad app for students to use


Todays sessions for me felt a bit difficult to get into maybe the lockdown going to long :). I enjoyed the kawa of care video and how that was developed so that children know  how to look after their devices in class, I have seen some our students walking around with their chrome books with the screens open and have had to remind them about how we carry devices so maybe this is something that we can look at as a school in developing a video around kawa of care for devices in the school. In the session explain everything I really enjoyed this part but got a bit lost in the last session around ideas so just thought I would do something around Tongan language week wasn't sure how to round off my face and I guess it would have been much easier to use if I had an ipad. I will probably need a bit more time to play with the explain everything but enjoyed todays sessions. 

Next steps: 
  • Explore Explain everything a bit more 
  • See what we are already doing around kawa of care. 
  • I liked the idea around google meet practices: To connect in some way - trouble shoot - etc.. in preparation should another lockdown happen 
  • Digital Noho which involves whanau  - students taking there chrome books home Thats a cool idea... 


  1. Kia ora Sima,

    Thank you for your honesty in your post, Explain Everything is definitely much easier to use on an iPad rather than the web based version. I think Meet practices are a great way to ensure students are empowered to be able to connect in the event of future lockdowns and the digital noho involving whānau as well sounds great! If you do end up creating a new kawa of care video, please do share it with us.

  2. Tena koe Sima,
    Google Meet practices definitely need explicit teaching and reinforcing. You will see on these slides that the Manaiakalani Cluster are using they have developed a graphic they use with learners. Good to practice and go over regularly. A digital noho or one class of learners connecting with others in the school to practice their Meet skills.

    Ngā mihi,

    PS I have moved some of your gadgets around and also made the Recent Comments gadget show as we use this in DFI. We set up the gadgets in a very similar way to what we do for the learner blogs so that these are familiar to everyone. I think the way to think about the gadgets is that these are for you AND for your viewers. How might they help people to navigate, understand and be informed about your blog? For example when I see a large number of comments and views on a blog that tells me, as a viewer, that this is a popular blog - this person is saying something others think is worthwhile.


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