Friday 3rd September

Visible Teaching: Google Sites

Multi modal opportunities - Learners having choices to create and learn themselves. Visible for the whanau they have access to their children's learning 

Five affordances causing accelerated shift  Lear

learn Create Share

  • Engagement 
  • Teaching conversations 
  • Cognitive challenge
  • Visibility 
  • Scaffolding

Purpose of learning site
  • one stop hub for teaching and learning 
  • Learning is accessible anywhere 
  • Personalise learning via multiple opportunities to access content 
  • visible planning and teaching 
Visual Appeal 

Taking time to plan. Planning each page just on a piece of paper and pencil
Colour is also very important. 


This has been a very valuable session learning with sites which I really enjoyed. There is so much to learn and I really tried to keep it simple with my buttons which I thought was really cool was inspired on how Pt England organised their page so wanted to do something similar with our Roscommon Technology page. Thank you Vicki for helping me with and also 1000 x 250 pixals not inchs and if you want to bring up the picture change 2000 x 250 or higher.  

Also Pixa bay and Un splash for landscapes and images I can use. Very productive day of learning on sites and looking forward to doing more work on this as it is also very fun as well 


  1. Kia ora Sima,
    I'm really glad you enjoyed the day so much. It would be awesome if you could pop the link to the site you've been working on in your post. It's also a good idea to make sure you have a look at your blog post in preview before you hit enter as you've got some funky spacing going on in there :) Looking forward to continuing the journey with you today.


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